18 November 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011, Day 18, 36092 Words

One of the things I really enjoy about my job is that no two days are ever identical. I suppose that's true of most people's worlds...but when you have an open door that lets in the general public, it definitely enhances that reality.

Yesterday was a really special day. A few highlights include helping a customer who was coming in to pick up a DVD he'd special ordered. He gave me his name, "Blank*" and told me, when I couldn't find it on the shelf that it was spelled "B-L-A-N-K." It was not on the shelf. I asked if I could get the phone number he used on the order and he said, "NO. I didn't give one. But I got the email and I know it's here." Okay...let's try looking it up with the email. As he started to give me the email address I recognized the first name in the email as being the first name of the only DVD I did have on hold. "Oh," I said, "I do happen to have an order for that DVD under the last name 'Smith.'" "Yeah," he said, "that's one of my aliases."

Nice. Maybe next time we start with the alias that you're using to order your DVDs.

I suppose that's smarter than using your real name and address to special order a book about kidnapping and then attempt to kidnap Gert Boyle (of Columbia Sportswear). Another true story.

My other favorite story from yesterday was a return. The gentleman had been in the day before and purchased a novel he was really excited about. When he got up the next morning he found a note (which he brought for me) on the table with the book that said, "Take it back Doug." He said he figured his wife had already purchased the book as a Christmas gift. He'd already been instructed not to buy himself anything.

My point to all this? For me, writing is a lot like my day job, in that no two days are ever the same. And that makes me happy. Going back through words written days and weeks and years ago, sometimes it really does blow my mind to think that it was me who wrote those words. Even just by sitting down one hour versus another on the same day I know it will change the shape and content of my work. I love it. I love the thrill of staring down a blank page (or screen) and knowing that in an hour (or two...or three), something completely new and never before written, will appear. From my mind and into the world.

That's pretty darn cool.

"I said, 'Please try not to love me. Close your eyes, I'm turning on the light. You know I have no vacancy and it's awfully cold outside tonight."
          from She Says by Ani Difranco

Some days knock you harder than others.
*Name changed to protect the paranoid.

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