17 September 2011

Elliot Smith, David Levithan, and Rainy Afternoons

As I've stated to a few people already, this past week kicked my ass and left a bruise. I honestly think it was with the best of intentions (tough love?), but I wasn't exactly ready to hit the ground running so fast after my week of vacation traveling. The momentum nearly propelled me head over heels.

This Saturday afternoon/evening left me with not quite enough time to attend a fantastic 4 year old's birthday party (Yoda birthday cake!), but just enough time to relax at home before my later evening festivities.

After picking up the plums that dropped in the backyard this afternoon (dog plum farts=The Worst!), I checked the mail and was delighted to find the book I had ordered had arrived. There is nothing quite the same kind of wonderful as possessing a new book you have been truly looking forward to.

It's no secret that I have both a reader's and a writer's crush on David Levithan. His newest contribution is titled Every You, Every Me and is a story told through words and through photos. It's a collaboration with a photographer friend, Jonathan Farmer. I decided the only proper thing to do, once the box was opened, was to sit down in the library with a cup of tea, some Elliot Smith in the background, and begin reading.

The perfect way to spend a cold and rainy Oregon evening.

As I suspected I would, I am rapidly falling in love with this book. In my first go I've already read a quarter of the book. It is different than any of his other projects, but then, that seems to be true for nearly everything he does.

I am inspired, engaged, and much more relaxed than I was an hour ago. Please excuse me now, I have a few more pages to sneak in before I leave again...

"You know one me. Just like I know one you. But you can't know every me. And I can't know every you." 

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