26 April 2012

YA or Bust! and the Mailing of the Manuscript

Really, I should be asleep right now.

I can't decide if I'm awake because:
1) This is often the time I am awake
2) My husband had a nightmare from which I had to wake him (after he woke me?)
3) I'm so excited about my trip to Seattle today to see three favorite YA authors!

Honestly? I think it probably comes down to a combination of all three.

As my Facebook peeps may already know, earlier this week I mailed off my manuscript for a major critique. I am at once thrilled and, okay, a tiny bit nervous. I have shared pieces of it, but I have yet to show anyone the entire thing.

I cried when I finished writing it.

I cried when I finished editing this last round.

There is a great deal (emotionally) invested in this novel (which fascinates me because it is in no way my story). I know there are good parts, strong parts, to the work. And I also know that it's not done, that it needs some refining before it can be put to bed.

But more than being nervous, more than being thrilled, what I am is absolutely curious. I am so looking forward to hearing what another person has to think. I am curious to know what some absolutely objective, professional person thinks of my work. I'm not certain of the timing of all this, but I'm guessing it will be at least a month before I know.

But for now, I'm in the happy in between time. The manuscript is in the mail (scheduled to arrive tomorrow) and I know it will be at least a few weeks before I hear anything, so it's not yet time to begin the anxiously waiting game.

To say my life has been full these past few months as I've worked through revisions would be an understatement. My days and nights (and mornings) have been filled with writing/editing, reading, and working. I've gotten to see some amazing writers talk (Heidi W. Durrow, Julia Alvarez) and I've been inspired by their wisdom and their works.

But now what?

I have a few ideas percolating for my next novel. About a month ago a character began to pester me. I don't know her name yet, but I know a little bit about her. And there's another character too, appearing in the distance, waiting for me to get to know her story. I have just the vaguest details, a tiny peak at what they want to tell me. This is a bit like how Holden and Jezebel came to tell me their story.

I don't know when I'll actually begin writing. There is a part of me that really likes the NaNoWriMo yearly schedule. New work in November. Take December off. Edit/revise the rest of the year.

For now, I've got a ton of reading to catch up with. Between my reading assignments and my editing, I just haven't had the time I would have liked to read all the many wonderful new books that have been released this spring.

And today, in a few short hours, I hit the road with a dear friend to drive to Seattle for the YA or Bust tour featuring three amazing authors. Stephanie Perkins (who I know I've talked about before), Gayle Forman, and Nina LaCour.

This is why I should still be asleep. It's going to be a long day, there and back again. But there will be good music, good company, some good food, and an inspiring event to end the evening before the long drive home.

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